"Lord our God, how majestic
is your name in all the Earth!
You have set your
glory in the heavens"
Psalm 8:1
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Prayer Room
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Associate’s Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we thank you for leading us to become Associates of the Little Company…
August 23, 2021
Associate’s Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for leading us to become Associates of the Little Company of Mary. Help us to share in the mission of the Sisters and to unite ourselves daily with them in living lives of faith, hope and love in the service of the suffering and dying members of Christ’s body.

We offer ourselves this day in union with Jesus, through the hands of our Holy Mother. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we may bring the healing presence of Jesus to all we come in contact with.

Help us grow in holiness so that in all the joys and sorrows in our lives we may see only your loving hand. Under the protection of the Maternal Heart of Mary and the guidance of Venerable Mary Potter, may we be united as Associates in this Life and the Life to come. Amen.
(Written by Patricia Armstrong, LCM Associate Melbourne) – Pat died in January 2020

August 23, 2021